Weight Loss Progress

Sunday, March 4

It's beautiful ...

... and I want to share it with you all. When I got home from work Friday, the 1st shipment of the 2007 Socks That Rock Sock Club was waiting for me.

I've got pictures ready to show, but Friend hasn't received hers yet and she'll kill me if I post it here. So, once she receives hers, I'll post photos of mine.

I just finished winding the yarn into 2 center-pull yarn cakes. Why two? So I can knit both socks at the same time. I have an older kitchen scale and it worked just fine! (I still want a new digital scale, but that can wait a little longer.) I weighed the yarn then wound it into one big yarn cake. Then I started winding a smaller yarn cake, weighing it as I went. When it hit the 3oz mark, I cut the yarn and wound the second 3 oz yarn cake. Now, I'm set to start.

The pattern (called Inside Out) for this yarn fits right in with my desire to continue learning new techniques ... these socks are toe-up. Friend admitted she's a little scared, but as I told her, no worries - we're in this together!

Hopefully sometime Monday afternoon (after mail delivery at work since that's where Friend's yarn is being shipped) I can post the photos. Until then ...