Weight Loss Progress

Tuesday, August 1


I must say - I'm sick to death of "service providers" and vendors screwing you at every turn.

I've been with Verizon Wireless for over 6 years and have ALWAYS done the New Every 2 plan (I renew my contract for 2 years and get $100 credit towards a new phone) and I've ALWAYS purchased a much more expensive phone (I bought a SmartPhone when it came out - over $500). Check out the new New Every 2 eligibility criteria:

"If you enrolled in the program on February 5, 2006 or after you will qualify for a free phone up to a $50 or $100 value, depending on the monthly access of your plan. If your calling plan monthly access is $79.99 or higher for the entire three months prior to completing your New Every Two phone upgrade, you will get up to $100.00 toward the purchase of a new phone. If your calling plan monthly access was between $34.99 and $79.98 at any time during the three months prior to completing your New Every Two phone upgrade, you will get up to $50.00 toward the purchase of a new phone."

My calling plan is $59.99/month. SnakesOnAPlane!