It's a bird, it's a plane,
It's the Bellini Lace Shawl!
As promised, here's a couple of shots of it (I picked this up from Morehouse Farms when I went to MS&W). I made this for my mom for her birthday. She really liked it! The colors in this picture are more accurate then the 2nd photo.
And a close-up.
This was a great pattern and nice yarn to work with. I may order some more yarn from them to do another shawl for a gift. We'll see.
*** Harry Potter ***
There have been some very interesting comments and theories about HP & the Half Blood Prince written around blogland. Check out this board for some, but BEWARE, if you have not read the book, don't click on this link because there ARE definitely SPOILERS. If, however, you're done reading, go see what some others have said about the book. According to some recent interviews with JK Rowling, we can expect book 7 to take AT LEAST 2 years as she wants to spend some time with child #3, who's only 6 months old. She doesn't anticipate working on the book until around the end of the year.
And just for fun, see how well you know Harry Potter - take this quiz. Be sure to come back here and let me know your score in the comments. I only missed 3 for a score of 77%!