Weight Loss Progress

Sunday, April 15

Not MIA ... not really

It's been an odd couple of weeks here at the Casa de Bling. I've wanted to do nothing more than knit, yet when I sit down, I don't wan't to knit ::gasp:: I'm not sure what's up with this little funk, but it had better pass quickly.

I'm still in recovery mode ... I had to take DD#1 to the emergency room Thursday after work. She was hyperventilating and had a very rapid heart beat and we weren't sure what was going on. Long story short, after an overnight stay here (CJW Hospital) and numerous tests,
they still couldn't determine what had happened or why or if it would happen again. Ugh! I'm going to be on the phone over the next few days with the pediatrician and another neurologist to try to get to the bottom of it all.

DD#1 is fine now, but what a lengthy, exhausting experience it was for everyone.

I did actually pick the knitting up while at the hospital - 28 hours of sitting in a hospital room, waiting and worrying will do that to you. In fact, I have 2 FOs to show for it. I'll try to get photos of those and some that I owe you for other items I've been working on posted in the next day or so.